Attestation (Fees) Rules, 2024 (1967)
2 min read
It has been required to regulate the procedures on matter of document
attestation to be made by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of foreign affairs and the missions abroad, the Government of Nepal has formulated the following Rules by exercising the power conferred on Sub-section (1) of
Section 2 of the Administrative Procedures (Regulation) Act, 2013.
1. Short title and Commencement:
(1) These Rules may be called as “Attestation (Fees) Rules, 2024 (1967).
(2) These Rules shall come into force immediately.
2. Definition:
Unless the subject or context otherwise requires in these rules :
(a) “Missions abroad” means the Nepalese Embassy, Consulate General and Consulate including Trade Agency situated abroad.
(b) “Attestation” means the act of verifying (stipulating) any document which has been kept in the record of any office or court or government office or attested by such office, court or government office, as according to it has been kept in the record or attested as such.
3. Process to be followed during attestation:
(1) Any person who has to request for attestation of any document to the Government of Nepal, Ministry of foreign Affairs or any missions abroad, shall submit an application in the Ministry or mission abroad stating the apparent reason to make attestation and attaching the document which has to be attested.
(2) The application received pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be examined or inquired as per the need and if found appropriate for attestation then an official of the designation of gazette officer level of Government of Nepal may make attestation by mentioning the reason for which the attestation has to be made and also shall put the seal of the office on it.
4. Application fees:
The person submitting an application pursuant to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 shall have to submit Twenty Five Rupees for each document that have to be attested, along with the application.
Provided that, if abroad the equivalent amount of the foreign exchange rate of Nepal Rastra Bank have to be fixed and such fees shall be taken in the currency of the concerned country.
5. Fee Waiver:
If re-attestation has to be made for a document which has been already attested once by paying the fee pursuant to these Rules, then only the application pursuant to Sub-rule (3) shall be submitted.Application fee shall not be submitted.
6. Book (Register) shall be maintained:
Government of Nepal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Missions Abroad shall have to maintain the Book (Register) by making the apparent details of the documents which shall be attested pursuant to these Rules.
7. Provision of Attestation:
The document may be attested pursuant to these rules, only for the purpose of the work related to the functions and process concerned with the foreign diplomatic representative or agency in Nepal or related to the functions out of Nepal.
8. Right or Privilege shall not be curtailed:
Any right or privilege enjoyed by anybody pursuant to the prevailing laws shall not be curtailed only due to the consequence of the attestation of any documents pursuant to these Rules.